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【热销】XHB-3000型 数显布氏硬度计【大屏幕数字显示】
产品: 浏览次数:26【热销】XHB-3000型 数显布氏硬度计【大屏幕数字显示】 
品牌: 弘测
单价: 57800.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 266 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-05-07


XHB-3000Digital DisplayBrinell hardness [large LCD digital display]


产品简介/ Product introduction


XHB-3000 digital Brinell hardness tester (large screen liquid crystal display) is a newly developed by our company, close loop control system with mechanical precision and microcomputer, with test instrument of new generation Brinell hardness of domestic advanced level, set light, machines, electricity, computer language, is an ideal instrument for hardness testing the aircraft, automobile safety components. The instrument without weights, the use of electric loading and unloading test force, a feedback of the pressure sensor 0.5 ‰ precision, CPU control and can test to test the automatic compensation for loss. Determination of Brinell hardness suitable for cast iron, steel, nonferrous metals, soft alloy material, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.


This machine adopts the graphical user interface, can be in English translation, menu operation, convenient and quick. Set the parameters are automatically saved in each test, the test process automation. The automatic processing of experimental data, and for a variety of hardness value. The automatic conversion of no friction spindle system, ensure the test is accurate and reliable.


This machine adopts electronic auto loading, computer software programming, high magnification optical measurement, photoelectric sensor system. The operation process and the test results of the data can be found in the LTD large screen display, test data can be output through the printer. This device is suitable to test room all types of production and processing enterprises, universities, scientific research machinery.


This machine with built-in digital display micrometer eyepiece micrometer eyepiece, indentation can be measured directly, without looking up the table, will not enter the indentation diagonal length, on the LCD screen can directly display hardness value and test force, holding time of the test force, indentation length, accurate reading, convenient operation.

各项技术指标均符合:GB/T 231-2002金属布氏硬度试验技术条件,参照ISO6508-2:1999国际标准。

Various technical indicators are in line with: GB/T 231-2002 metal Brinell hardness test technology conditions, according to ISO6508-2:1999 international standard.

适用范围/ Scope of application


Determination of Brinell hardness suitable for cast iron, steel, nonferrous metals, soft alloy material, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Mainly used for hardness testing organization uneven forged steel and cast iron, Brinell hardness and tensile tests of forged steel and gray cast iron has a good corresponding relationship. Brinell hardness test can also be used for non-ferrous metals and steel, using small diameter ball indenter can be measured by the small size and thin material. Brinell hardness tester used for raw materials and semi-finished products testing, the indentation is larger, generally not used for testing of finished product.

工作环境/ Work environment






1, in the range of room temperature 10~35;

2, in a stable foundation for horizontal installation;

3, in the absence of vibration environment;

4,Non corrosive medium, around;

5, the indoor relative humidity of not more than 65%;

独有优点/ Unique Advantages

l 主机采用微机闭环控制系统,国内**独有;

l host microcomputer closed loop control system, the unique;

l 主机采用**的无摩擦主轴系统,保证试验的准确可靠;

l hostuses advancedfrictionspindlesystem to ensureaccurate and reliabletest;

l 布氏硬度计完全由计算机来控制,而且进行64000的细分(世界首创);

l Brinell hardnessis completelycontrolled by thecomputer, andcarried64000subdivision(world's first);

l 在整个加荷、包荷和卸荷过程中由计算机来决定它的速度(即由计算机控制的无级变速),它保证了试验力加荷的平稳性、正确性和重复性;

l Throughout theloading,unloading andloadpackageprocessby a computerto determine itsspeed(ie,controlledby a computerCVT),whichensures thesmoothtest forceloading, accuracyand repeatability;

l 高精度控制系统是与多所国内**高校的材料分析导师共同研发的,基于控制系统的严格,内置程序的精密,所以国内很多**高校均是选择我司的全功能布氏硬度计;

l precision controlsystemismore thanwell-known domesticand MaterialsAnalysismentoruniversitiesjointly developed,based ona strictcontrol system,built-in programofprecision,somany domesticfamous universitiesareselectingourfully functionalBrinell hardness;

l 全功能布氏硬度计以其独特的装配工艺、**的技术革新、精准的加卸载试验力、稳定的动态测量等各项**世界的技术,而享受意大利伽利略硬度实验室指定布氏硬度计合作厂家;

l Full functionBrinell hardnessfor its uniqueassemblytechnology, advancedtechnological innovations, accuratetest forceloading and unloading,stable dynamicmeasurementof theworld's leading technology,whileenjoyingthe ItalianGalileohardnessBrinell hardnessdesignatedlaboratorycooperation between manufacturers;

l 内置微机闭环控制系统采用的是C++语言(在国内硬度计行业只有我公司能做到,一般厂家使用的是普通的汇编语言),所以产品的可靠性和稳定性是其他厂家无法与我们相比;

l Built-inmicrocomputerclosed-loop controlsystem is used inC + +language(hardnessin the domesticindustryonlyIcan do,manufacturers usean ordinarygeneralassembly language),so thereliability andstability of the productsof othermanufacturers can notphaseusratio;

l 主机采用双核控制,也是我公司在国内**的技术;

l hostdual-corecontrolisthe onlytechnologyinmy company;

l 十档全程试验力集成于一体,即我司布氏硬度计可以做到十档试验力,若非使用双核动态精准计算机编程控制,**达不到国标精度要求的,而且性能也很不稳定;

l tenwholefilein oneintegratedtest force, thatourBrinell hardnesstest forcecan dotenfiles,if notusing thedual-coredynamicprecisecontrol ofcomputer programming,GBis definitelynot up tothe required accuracy, and the performanceis veryunstable;

l 主机试验力加卸载完全采用高精度电机控制,由0.5‰精度的压力传感器进行反馈,CPU控制并能对试验中损失的试验力进行自动补偿;

l HostTest forceuninstallcompletelyusing high-precisionmotor controlby0.5 ‰precisionpressure sensorfeedback, CPUcontroland is able totest forcetestto automatically compensatethe loss;

l 本机采用图形化用户界面,内置硬度标尺可任意转换,菜单操作,方便快捷;

l The machine usesa graphicaluser interface, builthardness scalecan be any conversion,menu operation, convenient and quick;

l 本机内置超大容量数据储存芯片,可自动保存每次试验的参数设置,自动处理试验数据,试验过程完全自动化;

l The machinebuilt-in large-capacitydata storagechip that canautomatically saveparameter settingsfor each test,automatic processing oftest data,testprocess is completelyautomated;

l 大屏幕液晶数字显示系统,各项操作过程和试验结果的数据均可通过大屏幕液晶数字显示;

l Large LCDdigital display system,theoperatingprocess and dataof test resultsare availablevialarge LCDdigital display;

l 多点测量计算平均值,试验数据更为精确反映材料硬度性能;试验结果的数据可通过内置打印机直接输出,避免人为抄写错误;

l multi-pointmeasurementsto calculate the average,test datamoreaccurately reflects thehardness of the materialproperties;dataof test resultscan be directlyoutput through thebuilt-in printer,avoid humantranscription errors;

l 无需人眼读数、测量,无需手动键入压痕值,直接通过高精度测微目镜自动测量,测量精确,操作方便;

l without humaneyereadings,measurements withoutmanuallytypingthe indentationvaluedirectlythroughautomatic measurementprecisionmicrometereyepiece,measurement precision,easy to operate;


性能特点/ Features


The latestC + +programminglanguage+ PressureSensor DualCPUcontrol system, improvehardware reliabilityin operationstabilityrepeatability;..(othermanufacturersassembly languageprogramming)


Uniquedual-coreloop control system;(othermanufacturersmonocytes)


16-bit ADC,ensurethe accuracy andvalue of thestabilityforce values????are shown;

  • 壳体做过时效处理
  • shelldoneaging treatment,


Dynamicforce valuefluctuation is less than1/1000:(Othermanufacturers5/1000)

  • 数字信号输出,确保力值精确性、示值稳定性;
  • digitalsignal output,ensuringthe accuracy ofthe force value,showing the value ofstability;
  • 60组超大容量数据存储库;在待机模式时,快速查看历史和当前的测量次数与结果;
  • 60group oflarge capacitydata repository;in standby mode,quick viewhistorical and currentmeasurementsandresults;
  • 具有很高的可操作性和人性化;
  • with highmaneuverabilityand humane;
  • 同类产品中**有性价比;
  • similar products in themost cost-effective;
  • 当前国内外同类产品中**的产品。
  • similar productsat home and abroadthe most advancedproducts.


技术指标/Technical Index

试验力:       300015001000750500250187.512510062.5;(Kg                                                                                  

 硬度测量范围:8650 HBW


试验力加载:  自动    

试样:        **高度:225 mm    **宽度:135 mm                      

测微目镜:    光栅数字式                                                                      

放大倍率:     20

鼓轮**小分度值:0.00125 mm                    

 电源电压:     AC220V/110V 50~60Hz      

外型尺寸:     789×543×225mm      

重量:         130 Kg

test force: 3000,1500, 1000,750,500,250,187.5,125,100,62.5; (Kg)
hardness measurementrange: 8 ~ 650 HBW
● LCDmenu display:hardness value,testforce,testindenterhardnessscaletest limit,the number of trialsto convert
testforce loading: Automatic
Sample:Maximum height: 225 mmMaximum width: 135 mm
micrometer eyepiece:rasterdigital
Magnification:20 times
drum minimumvalue: 0.00125 mm
Power supply voltage: AC220V/110V 50 ~ 60Hz
Dimensions: 789 × 543 × 225) mm
● Weight: 130 Kg















标准配置/ Standard configuration

 主机:          一台

 合金钢压头:    2.5、¢5、¢10 mm    各一个


 标准硬度块:     HBW10/3000一块;HBW5/750  一块

●20倍测微目镜  一只

● RS232接线:    一根

电源线:        一根

 防尘罩:        一件

 保险丝:        一只

 产品合格证:    一份

 产品说明书:    一份

选配附件/ Optional accessories:







本公司保证交付的硬度计执行标准:金属布氏硬度实验GB/T 231-2002国家标准、JJG_150-2005布氏硬度计检定规程,参照ISO 65062005国际标准。精度达到合同要求。生产研发过程严格执行ISO9001:2000质量管理体系.

We guaranteedeliveryofStandardHardness:Brinellhardness testGB / T 231-2002national standards, JJG_150-2005Brinell hardnesstest procedures,referring toISO 6506:2005international standard.Accuracyrequirements of the contract.Production and developmentprocess strictlyimplement ISO9001: 2000quality management system.

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